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Mexican wine continues to grow in popularity, in Mexico and internationally, winning medals in international events, thanks to its quality and the efforts of the Mexican Wine Council (CMV). That organization has partnered with the Mexican Restaurant Association (CANIRAC) to offer a seven-part course to help wine fans learn about the characteristics of the different wine-growing regions in Mexico.
Topics covered will include the wine-making history of each region, the climate, characteristics of the grapes and wines in those regions and information about production. Each class will also feature presentations by wine leaders in each region.
These regions will be covered:
Class 1 - Chihuahua
Class 2 - Coahuila
Class 3 - Aguascalientes, Hidalgo y Jalisco
Class 4 - Guanajuato y Nuevo León
Class 5 - Querétaro y Puebla
Class 6 - Zacatecas, Sonora y San Luis Potosí
Class 7 - Baja California
The online courses, which will be led by sommelier Laura Santander, begin April 30 or May 3, depending on which group one enrolls in. These are live events, not pre-recorded. There is no cost to participate, but registration closes on Friday, April 12. Click here to register
The course is hosted on the wine platform Wiki Vinos, which includes a wide range of blog posts and courses to help restaurant employees understand and serve wines.
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