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Four years ago we were in the midst of COVID, a rough time for restaurants (and everyone!). But we still published some of our readers' favorite recipes. Here are links to five "My Favorite Recipes" from 2020, along with the stories behind each:
Fried Avocado with Shrimp and Crab, by Jim Urdiales, Mestizo Restaurant, Baton Rouge, LA
Miso Pork Lechon Ramen, by Chef Beni Velazquez, ChinaLatina, Las Vegas
Shrimp with Ancho Chile Glaze, by Chef Marcos Soberanes, Luminaries, Monterrey Hill, CA
Hat of Seawater and Octopus and Beef Tail Noodles, by Chef Xrysw Ruelas Díaz and Chef Adria Marina
Mexican Roadside Chicken, by Patrick Calhoun, Mexicanplease.com